A downloadable drone choir for Windows

For the full-featured project released a few months later, go to https://martinbussyparis.itch.io/vox

For Drone Jam, I made a drone choir mode for Vox | [vɑks].

Vox | [vɑks] is a voice synthesizer I have been making using Unreal Engine 5 and MetaSounds. It is not a realistic text-to-speech synthesizer, but rather a playful tool.

How to use

Play with the controls to change how your drone evolves over time. Set the voices to be very low to get this "clicking" moody texture.

Everything can be done with the mouse, but here are some alternative keyboard controls, too:

  • Q/W/E/R: start voice and change vowel
  • A/S/D/F: change note
  • Z/X/C/V: stop voice

Post-jam changes

  • UI
  • eye animation now tracks voice range properly whatever octave each of them is singing
  • minor bug fixing


Vox.zip 102 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the ZIP archive
  2. Extract it
  3. Run "Vox.exe"

Development log


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This is very fun to play with! I particularly love the aesthetic around it too. It's fun to keep hitting V and see the eyebrows go up and down 😅